Registration for the 2025-26 season is open!

Audition packets are linked below each orchestra listing; the packets will list participation requirements and contain materials you’ll need to prepare for your audition. Auditions will be conducted via video recording. Deadline for video upload is 10:00pm, June 6, 2025. Check out the FAQ for additional information.

Prelude Orchestra

Conductor: Mrs. Jennifer Herrera

Ensemble type:  String Orchestra
Recommended level: VBODA Level 1-2 / Suzuki Book 1-2
Rehearsals: Mondays, 6:45-8:15pm, Lake Braddock Secondary School

Audition packets: bass - cello - viola - violin

2025-26 Tuition: $970

Concert Orchestra

Conductor: Dr. Mark Taylor

Ensemble type:  String Orchestra
Recommended level: VBODA Level 3/Suzuki Book 2-3
Rehearsals: Mondays, 6:45-8:15pm, Lake Braddock Secondary School

Audition packets: bass - cello - viola - violin

2025-26 Tuition: $1020

String Ensemble

Conductor: Mrs. Diana Chou

Ensemble type:  String Orchestra
Recommended level: VBODA Level 4/Suzuki Book 3-4
Rehearsals: Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm, Lake Braddock Secondary School

Audition packets: bass - cello - viola - violin

2025-26 Tuition: $1070

Philharmonic Orchestra*

*formerly Chamber Orchestra

Conductor: Mr. Austin Isaac

Ensemble type:  Full Orchestra
Recommended level: VBODA Level 5/Suzuki books 5+
Rehearsals: Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm, Lake Braddock Secondary School

2025-26 Tuition: $1145

Symphonic Orchestra

Conductor: Mrs. Anne Rupert

Ensemble type:  Full Orchestra
Recommended level: VBODA Level 6/Suzuki Book 7+/Concerto
Rehearsals: Mondays, 7:00-9:30pm Lake Braddock Secondary School

2025-26 Tuition: $1295

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to re-audition if I am a current member?
    Yes, all current members are required to re-audition each year if they wish to continue participating in TCSYO. Please note that current orchestra assignment level is not guaranteed.

  • How do I know which orchestra to audition for?
    Recommended VBODA/Suzuki levels are listed below each orchestra’s title and the audition packets will also list the minimum expected skills. We recommended consulting with your private teacher to determine which ensemble to audition for that will best suit your current skill level.

  • What if I don’t make it into the orchestra I audition for?
    Musicians are ranked by their audition score. If they do not place in the orchestra they auditioned for, musicians may be offered a position in a less advanced orchestra. For example, if you audition for Symphonic Orchestra, you could be offered a position in Chamber Orchestra.

  • Do I need to memorize my music?
    Memorization is not required unless specified in the audition requirements.

  • Do I need an accompanist for the audition video?
    No, piano accompaniment is not permitted for the audition video.

  • How is my audition scored? What are the judges looking for in an audition?
    Auditions are made up of two components: scales and excerpts. They are weighted as follows:
    Scales – 40%  •  Excerpts – 60%
    When reviewing the auditions, the audition judge will focus on the following areas of your playing:
    Musicality  •  Rhythmic accuracy  •  Intonation  •  Tone production  •  Technique

  • When do we find out about audition results?
    We aim to notify everyone of their audition results by June 30. We know waiting for results is difficult, we ask for your patience while the audition judges review the audition videos (thank you!).

  • How do I make a tuition payment?
    Each orchestra’s tuition rate for the 2025-26 season is listed above. Upon a successful audition, the $45 registration fee is credited towards the tuition rate. The remaining tuition balance is then divided into two payments; an initial payment of 50% of the remaining balance is due within two weeks of the notification of your audition result to confirm your participation. The second payment/remaining balance is due by August 15, 2025.
    (Example:  You were accepted into Philharmonic Orchestra - congratulations! Tuition is $1145; after applying the registration fee credit, the remaining balance is $1100. The first payment due will be in the amount of $550, and the remaining $550 will be due by August 15, 2025.)

  • Does TCSYO offer financial assistance?
    Yes! TCSYO offers financial assistance to student musicians in need via our Tuition Assistance program (which is funded via donations) as well as drawing from our Artistic Director scholarship program. When filling out the registration form, there is an option to request financial aid. After you successfully audition into TCSYO, we will reach out privately to discuss the application and review process for Tuition Assistance.

    Please contact us if you have further questions.